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ABX Digital Marketing Specialist Credentials Exam

ABX Digital Marketing Specialist Credentials Exam

Pass this exam with an 80% or higher to receive an ABX Digital Marketing Specialist badge for the successful completion the Digital Marketing Learning Path.

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Test Your Knowledge!

This is the final exam for the Digital Marketing Learning Path.

This exam tests you on the concepts you have learned in the Demandbase Digital Marketing Learning Path and you can earn an ABX Digital Marketing Specialist Badge issued by Credly!

You must pass the quiz with a score of 80% (32 questions correct out of 40 total questions) to earn your digital badge issued by Credly.

If you pass the exam with an 80% or higher, you will automatically receive an email from Credly where you can quickly create an account and accept your digital badge.

After you accept your digital badge, you can then share your accomplishment by posting your digital badge on LinkedIn, Twitter or other social media sites.

There is no time limit to complete the exam. You can take the exam as many times as needed to pass it with a score of 80% or higher.


Test Your Knowledge!

This is the final exam for the Digital Marketing Learning Path.

This exam tests you on the concepts you have learned in the Demandbase Digital Marketing Learning Path and you can earn an ABX Digital Marketing Specialist Badge issued by Credly!

You must pass the quiz with a score of 80% (32 questions correct out of 40 total questions) to earn your digital badge issued by Credly.

If you pass the exam with an 80% or higher, you will automatically receive an email from Credly where you can quickly create an account and accept your digital badge.

After you accept your digital badge, you can then share your accomplishment by posting your digital badge on LinkedIn, Twitter or other social media sites.

There is no time limit to complete the exam. You can take the exam as many times as needed to pass it with a score of 80% or higher.